Technology has given personal trainers quite the run for their money in recent years. Between fitness apps that help dieters keep calories down, to wearables that track a user’s every move, there is an increasing amount of ways for Americans to improve eating, exercise and fitness habits. Lumo Run is another company aiming to improve the exercise experience, but have taken the concept many steps further with smart shorts.
Yes, smart shorts, the shorts intended to help runners improve their running form to achieve maximum performance. While these aren’t the first piece of smart clothing on the market, their primary objective strays from the others intended to track progress. Although these shorts can track progress, the aim is to help the users improve posture and form.
Improving Running Form
Running is an exercise prone to injury. Given the repeated beating joints get with each weight bearing step, runners commonly suffer injuries to the knee, back, ankle, etc. On top of that, shin splints and hamstring injuries are rampant, all of which adding to reasons why having a good running form should be every runner’s paramount concern.
As such, runners who don’t want to blow out their knees or their egos in the earlier years of life consult with personal trainers. This is exactly the space where Lumo Run has a hungry market. According to Lumo Run, the shorts, “incorporate the personal attention of a running coach with the professional data of a lab – all within the lining of your shorts to help you achieve your best.”
How They Work
Training apps tend to provide exercise results after the activity has completed. Luma Run wearables work differently, in that they provide real time data and corrections so the runner can make improvements to their form as the activity is happening. Sewn into the shorts are a 9-axis inertia measurement unit (IMU) as well as a Bluetooth LE module into a waistband that comes with the shorts. These two devices work together to collect data about a user’s run, jog, or walk, which is then sent to a connected app in real time.
Pairing the combination embedded in the clothing, a user’s biometrics, posture, and mileage are all measured and recorded, which can assist in guiding toward new and realistic cardio goals. Founder and CEO Monisha Perkash explains, “This is a very exciting piece and a completely different form factor using our motion technology to address challenges in running. The vision is to be the leader in real-time motion tracking and solving movement challenges related to sports, workplace safety and health and medicine.”
What’s Available and Where Can I Find Them?
The smart shorts come in shorts for men and capris for women. Lumo Run is taking preorders now but anticipates shipping next spring. If you can’t wait until then, the company that makes Lumo Run, Lumo Biotech, already came out with the predecessor to the running shorts, Lumo Lift. This product shares the similar intention of Lumo Run in that it helps weight lifters improve posture and performance.
As interesting as Lumo Lift is, it will be exciting to see how the Lumo Run hits the market and if it changes the way runners train and exercise. Until then, you’ll have to find some other, probably boring, way to improve your posture and running form. Do you have the next best idea for a wearable app? Ping us here and let’s get started.
4241 Jutland Dr., Suite 300
San Diego, CA 92117