You’re excited to release your app, and confident users are going to flip for it. The time has now come to get that business on the app store and start realizing viral download success. Yet there’s one teeny tiny detail left to go.
Writing the app store description.
It may seem simple enough on the face of it. You have your elevator pitch down and know how to explain the purpose of your app. Simple! Just take what you say, write it down, and voila, you’ve got your description. Unfortunately it’s not as simple as that, and there’s a bit of a technique to the whole app store description game.
First of all, understanding the importance of ASO – App Store Optimization – is one of the first things you want to keep in mind. We go into more detail on how to manage your ASO here, from monitoring tools to keywords you need to keep in mind for maximizing indexing and optimization. From there, we’re here to lay it the rest of your app store description strategy for you.
Showcase Core Features
This seems like a no-brainer, but you’d be amazed at how many descriptions get into the weeds of all the features an app has available. Get back to basics and remember the problem your app was designed to solve. Why does it exist? Start there and stay there, don’t get too into all the glorious other features you created. Hook your audience with the main idea you fell in love with. If you have room towards the end of the description you could include a bulleted list of other features, just try not to get carried away and distract from the “why” your app was created. They’ll discover and delight in the details upon download.
Brevity is Best
Start out by writing everything to your heart’s content, then edit the crap out of it later. What you’ll be left with is a concise description of your app, which is all the users want. Understand that they don’t usually click to “read more,” so if you can, write your description in 255 characters or less, which is the maximum Apple allows before users have to click “read more.” Focus on the most important things you have to say first, and make sure they are as intriguing as possible.
Nail That First Sentence
While we’re at it, that first sentence may be the only thing your potential users will read. Being on the writing staff for Barefoot it is painful to say — people just don’t read anymore. The average American’s attention span is 8 seconds, which is less than a frigging goldfish, so you absolutely must deliver with that first sentence to get them interested enough to read more, scroll down, and download.
Focus on the User’s Point of View
You know your app inside and out, so you naturally look at it differently than someone who is completely new to the concept. So, write about your app in a way that makes speaks to someone who has no clue what it’s about, because, they don’t. A good way to get insight on this is to ask your beta testers about it. Have them describe to you what they think the app is about and take notes. Those descriptions are gold, and exactly how you need to communicate to potential users on the app store.
Showcase Reviews
Speaking of beta testers, once you officially launch the app get them to review it! Few things are more important on the internet than social proof, and user generated reviews are badges of honor that prove your app is download-worthy. It doesn’t matter if it’s your Mom, just get people to talk about the app and make sure those quotes are mentioned in the app store description.
Include a Call to Action
It seems a little strange to tell a user who is shopping on the app store to download the app…because they are clearly there to download an app. For this reason developers and business owners often forget to end their description with a simple, “Okay, now download this app already!” Don’t make that mistake and consider closing your description with something like, “Download X now to start enjoying Y.”
You put significant time into developing your app, and owe it to yourself to get the description right. Take some time and consult with others to make sure you are sincerely putting the best description possible out there.
Still have questions or need some help getting started? Reply in the comments below or fill out this form for more information.
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San Diego, CA 92117